A Complete Therapy
CST is an exceptionally gentle therapy and at the same time extremely profound and effective. It is increasingly recognized for its range of influence, the wide variety of its therapeutic effects, and its ability to resolve issues that have not been resolved by other means.
It is a process that can undo patterns of illness and discomfort - physical, psychological and emotional - that accumulate during the patient's life as a result of injuries, stresses and traumas, and that are imprinted in the tissues of the body leading to dysfunctions and lack of health.
The work is mainly aimed at expanding the fundamental vitality - the Breath of Life - which exists within all of us and which expresses itself through fluids, membranes and bones.
Treatment involves very light contact of the therapist's hands on the head, sacrum (the base of the spine) or any other part of the patient's body. Thus, subtle disturbances are identified in the free movement of body tissues, in the circulation of fluids, and in the unrestricted flow of fundamental energy, strength and vitality. CST gently encourages the body's own internal healing mechanisms to release restrictions and return the body to its ideal functions.
CST is for the whole person. Treatment is not limited to the head or conditions that affect only the head, although the skull receives special care regarding the effects of birth trauma.
It is recommended for all ages, under any circumstances.
It deals directly with specific conditions, as well as becoming a very effective ally in the reintegration into life after serious illnesses, accidents and injuries, above all, promoting good general health. It is a complete therapy, but it can also be used to complement and even extend other therapies.
the craniosacral system comprises the membranes (meninges) that cover the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), the bones of the skull and sacrum that attach to these membranes, the fascia, which radiates from the membranes to all parts of the body (involving each nerve and each nerve pathway), and the cerebrospinal cerebrospinal fluid, which is produced in the central nervous system and transmitted by neurological pathways throughout the body. All these structures pulsate in a rhythmic, symmetrical and balanced movement (the craniosacral rhythm), which is also reflected by the fascia throughout the body.
Each organ, muscle, or tissue is connected to a specific area of the cs system by its nerve pathways and fascia-associated connections. This connection facilitates a process of reciprocal interaction whereby dysfunction can be diagnosed and proper functioning restored; the dysfunction reflects in the tissues and therefore in the cs system and the corrective forces of the system are reflected back in the affected area. Constraints, blockages or malfunctions of any kind in any part of the body are reflected as disturbances of rhythm and symmetry in the cs system or as abnormal strains and strains by the tissues of the body. All of these can be identified, investigated from the start and diagnosed by the therapist cs.
The treatment consists of the therapist placing his/her hands very gently on the patient's body, identifying areas of restriction or tension and following the subtle internal movements manifested by the cs system until resistance points are found and released, thus causing the tissues can return to their state of health functional. The therapist seeks to restore balance to the cs system by allowing proper function is restored in the affected part of the body.
CST is most commonly conducted with the patient lying down, dressed, in a quiet and peaceful environment. It is generally experienced as a relaxing experience that provokes a feeling of deep well-being. Babies can be treated while sleeping or nursing, on the mother's lap, without the need to undress them.
CST is a technique that works on the most imperceptible structures of the nervous system. The therapist connects with the craniosacral rhythmic movement linked to the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid that bathes this entire system, from the skull to the sacrum. By working with the energy that pulsates within us, we can stimulate changes in the rest of the body.
CST is indicated for chronic and acute conditions, physical and emotional, musculoskeletal, neurological and visceral, arising before, during or since childbirth.
Reference: Cranio-Sacral Integration: Foundation
Thomas Attlee
Singing Dragon, 2012
Prevention is everything!
CST is particularly relevant to mothers, babies and children for several reasons:
It is delicate and non-invasive. Babies can be cared for while they sleep, when they are breastfed or in the mother's lap, without the need to interrupt or undress them.
It is very effective in alleviating many common childhood conditions.
It is exceptionally effective in dealing with the effects of birth trauma (the compressive forces on the skull and the shock effects resulting from a traumatic birth) and all its possible consequences.
The consolidation of healthy patterns from an early age establishes the future of this child - not only in their health, but also in the development of their talents and abilities, in their nature and constitution as a whole.
By eliminating the various effects of bruises and illnesses that appear over time, CST can create a balanced and well-integrated physical, mental and emotional state. This assures the child the possibility of being happier and healthier, as well as making the most of his potential.
At the time of delivery
Craniosacral monitoring during labor, in the baby's first hours of life and for the mother's postpartum recovery helps to create a totally unique birth experience. Pain relief, body support, naps between contractions, emotional support, everything changes. I stay together all the time. The baby already receives CST sessions almost immediately after birth, helping with the effects on the body and soul right after birth. The mother receives the support she needs, before, during and after normal birth or cesarean delivery. A special environment is the key to a happy and safe experience. Contact us for more information.
Early Treatment
The number of treatments required will vary greatly depending on individual needs: from single sessions in simple circumstances to regular, continuous treatments for more persistent or severe conditions. Many babies respond immediately to the first treatment, with others it takes some treatments to fully realize its benefits.
The recommended ideal, is that babies undergo a
craniosacral check-up immediately after birth.
This allows to remove tensions or asymmetries resulting from the birth process and to protect them from more serious consequences in the future. In case this 'check-up' is not available, treatment as soon as possible is recommended.
Early treatment is important to ensure as complete resolution and recovery as possible. The more readily a condition is treated, the sooner it will resolve, the fewer treatments will be needed, and certainly the more complete resolution will take place.
Early treatment also allows the child's early life experiences to be as positive and comfortable as possible, thereby creating positive health and behavioral factors for the future.
Once the main problems have been resolved, regular 'check-ups' are recommended - every 3 months for babies and every 6 months for children - thus mitigating the effects of falls, bruises, illnesses, which are an inevitable part of any childhood, creating more conditions for health and joy.
In infants and children the treatment creates a more relaxed and seated state, improving sleep and bringing more calm and satisfaction.
Mothers can also benefit a lot from CST helping throughout the entire process, not only during pregnancy but also after delivery.
Cramps, difficulty sleeping and eating, hyperactivity, asthma, ear infections, dyslexia, learning difficulties, birth trauma. These are some of the many childhood conditions that can be helped by the delicate and profound process of Craniosacral Therapy.
Overall, CST can help maintain a healthy foundation, where your baby can grow up in a balanced, peaceful and happy way, with a healthy and strong constitution, making use of their innate abilities and setting healthy patterns for the future - physically, mentally and emotionally.
Childbirth Trauma
One area in which CST is particularly relevant is birth trauma. Effects can be the cause of many of childhood illnesses, from minor problems such as serous otitis media (glue ear) to more severe impairments such as spasticity.
During delivery, the baby's head is forcibly compressed as it twists through the narrow birth canal. For the passage to be possible, the newborn's skull is not yet a solid bone structure, but rather like a delicate balloon, with a membrane, suitable for adapting with flexibility to the rigorous pressures of the birth process.
However, intense compression of this delicate structure for so many hours, as often happens, pushes the skull bones together and distorts the shape of the head. This is normal and unavoidable but if any of the bones in the skull remain distorted or they fail to completely free themselves, these distortions can affect the formation of the skull itself and therefore affect the development of the brain or impinge on associated structures such as nerves and blood vessels.
The body's inherent self-healing powers are usually able to reshape a compressed skull into its normal shape. However, this inherent remodeling is not always completely successful; and the degree to which restrictions and compressions are resolved varies considerably from person to person. If the labor was long and difficult, with the baby's head trapped in the birth canal, the distortions are likely to be imprinted more strongly and less likely to be corrected naturally.
The effects of these cranial bone restrictions can vary considerably. More severe cases can lead to cerebral palsy, autism or epilepsy; the less severe ones can result in dyslexia, learning difficulties, hyperactivity and strabismus. There may also be a link to other common childhood problems such as allergies and asthma, as well as general health and well being.
Even when the delivery was relatively easy, restrictions or compressions may persist and these may, in turn, inhibit proper growth and development.
Colic is another problem in babies where CST is indicated and proven to be very effective. Classic colic involves prolonged, inconsolable crying for many hours with no apparent cause, usually in the early evening. Symptoms that accompany colic include snorting, trapped gas and gas, projected vomiting, and, of course, pain. In many cases, drugs are prescribed but rarely solve the problem and many can generate undesirable side effects, such as digestive disorders, diarrhea, constipation and effects on the immune system and constitution in general.
It is always preferable to avoid drug use with newborn babies, unless absolutely necessary. In very severe colic cases, which arrive in the pyloric stenosis state, (where the pylorus has narrowed to the point where food cannot pass from the stomach into the small intestine), an operation is usually the solution to release the stenosis.
To treat most colic or colic-like conditions, the CS therapist focuses on the main areas: the base of the skull and the solar plexus region.
The first, the base of the skull, refers to the occipital bone and its relationship with the atlas vertebra (C1). The base of the skull is the area most susceptible to compression and distortion during childbirth because of its location and the direction of pressure exerted on this area by the baby's passage through the birth canal. It is also an area of vital importance in the overall health and functioning of people, as it is close to many other important structures. They include the jugular foramen, a hole at the base of the skull between the occipital and temporal bones where the Nerve Vagus, or Nerve X, passes. This nerve is responsible for the parasympathetic supply to most of the digestive system; its compression can lead to overstimulation of the nerve, causing persistent spasms of Organs digestive organs and, consequently, colic.
Also located at the base of the skull is another important structure: the superior cervical ganglion. This is the largest and most important ganglion that runs along the spine, providing sympathetic termination to the viscera. Compression or pressure on the gcs can lead to sympathetic stimulation throughout the nervous system resulting in overstimulation of the entire viscus and general overstimulation, agitation, tension and hyperactivity. This will particularly manifest in the plexuses, including the solar plexus, which in turn can create tension and spasm in the digestive system and therefore colic.
Simultaneous stimulation of both the vagus (parasympathetic) and plexus (sympathetic) nerves is particularly problematic for the digestive system as they have conflicting functions: parasympathetic innervation seeks to increase digestive activity and visceral mobility; while the sympathetic one seeks to terminate digestive activity and close the pathways through which food passes, such as the cardiac sphincter and the pyloric sphincter. The result is conflict, obstruction, spasm and the greatest manifestations of colic.
Greater sympathetic stimulation will also lead to increased stimulation of the adrenal medulla. Adrenaline is released and this causes further generalized stimulation, tension, agitation and hyperactivity, as well as creating a vicious circle of adrenal sympathetic overactivity.
Equally significant in the incidence and treatment of colic and associated conditions is the solar plexus region, the umbilicus, diaphragm and pylorus.
The solar plexus is, in addition to being stimulated by pressure at the base of the skull, also passively stimulated by shock, trauma or stress. This is something that many adults will sound familiar with, but babies, with their more sensitive systems, have a greater response and are more susceptible to digestive disorders. Tension is also widely recognized (in adults and children) as it manifests. in the diaphragm and this is also more evident in babies. The tension in the diaphragm causes restriction in other associated structures, in particular constriction of the esophagus as it passes through the diaphragm into the stomach. Tension can also affect the functioning of the pylorus, where food passes from the stomach to the small intestine.
The constriction of these digestive passages is of greatest consequence in newborn babies precisely because they are smaller and the passages are therefore narrower. Therefore, tension and constriction easily lead to pain and difficulty passing food or drink and even a complete obstruction.
A particularly common cause of shock is premature cutting of the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is the 'lifeline' through which the baby receives all oxygen and nutrition for the entire time he is in the womb. With the baby's arrival in the world, the cord continues to supply these essential nutrients for several minutes after delivery. Abruptly cutting this 'lifeline' can result in unnecessary shock, which in turn is absorbed by the solar plexus and navel areas, manifesting as tension and contraction in the cs system in these areas (with side effects on the surrounding viscera described earlier ).
It is also very common to find a feeling of shock deep in the solar plexus of babies born by C-section. This shock happens at the time of the incision, when intrauterine pressure changes very drastically, causing physical and emotional shock to the baby. This often manifests as a feeling of contraction and 'paralysis' throughout the body, head and solar plexus.
In the case of an emergency cesarean, when the baby's head is positioned for the vaginal passage and under pressure for a prolonged and stressful period, and consequently the cesarean happens out of necessity, the baby then suffers the worst of both worlds. he is subject to severe pressure on the skull and the shock effects of cesarean.
Shock can also be the result of other physical and emotional causes, including tension received from the mother and/or father, coming from the environment in which they live, from family relationships in general.
"When I was 16 years old I fell off of a high ladder and spent my next 50 years with a daily headache. For just over a year, I've been doing Craniosacral Therapy with Roberta Ogilvie. I don't have a headache anymore! Miracle! Not! It was and continues to be Craniosacral Therapy!"
Cristina, psychologist.
"After more than a year suffering from joint inflammation and numerous treatments of all types, with Craniosacral Therapy, I came out of the sharp pain.
The feeling of regaining freedom of movement is wonderful."
Adriana, therapist.
I would like to record my experience with the therapist Cranio Sacral Roberta. I was referred by a friend to Cranio Sacral therapy for my children, but I didn't know what it was like. I went because I trust her a lot and she guaranteed the results I expected. The treatment took around 3 months with wonderful results. It's an unconventional therapy so it's very hard for us to believe. My daughter has greatly improved her concentration and focus on her studies! Everything I would have expected ... thank you dear Roberta for all your affection, attention and dedication
Aline, nutritionist.
"I met Roberta through the Kabbalah Centre, a place I recommend, but which is not the focal point of this text. I became interested in the work she claimed to do and decided to make an appointment. Right away I was immensely satisfied by the place where she works and the way she does the job. We talked briefly about what bothered me, and why I had come to her, and she, immensely patient with my thousand curiosities, explained how the treatment worked. Even before it happened, I already trusted. And she said such a magnificent phrase that I repeat to anyone reading it: "my work is not linked to religion or dogma. Just as doctors treat the body, I treat the vital energy that makes our bodies work. even, sometimes, being able to visualize things from people's past or future, this is not my focus and it shouldn't be yours. You can lie down: we'll work now." At this moment I still explain who the Roberta, and how wonderful I believe she is as a person and as a human being who is here to share her wisdom with us. But let's go to the treatment. I made the first appointment. My main complaints were related to insomnia and anxiety. And as I lay in that bed, I felt such a wonderful vibration and stillness, that I didn't even dare doubt the veracity of the treatment she had explained to me just a few minutes earlier. It was a love at first sight, for Craniosacral therapy and for Roberta. I am a Taurus and faithful, and bought the pack of ten appointments. Below is my account after finishing them: (and intending to do more!!!) Craniosacral therapy, for me, was both light and deep. When you leave the office, it feels like walking through the clouds and arriving home with the feeling of wanting to rest in order to remain in that peace. But also reflect on the feedbacks she gives after the consultations. Today, after ten sessions, I truly understand what she meant when she told me about life energy and the power of now. Roberta will not bring you divine miracles or spontaneous healings. Not her, not anyone else. But Craniosacral therapy, particularly performed by her, brings you to look inside of yourselfself. Today, I believe there is a life before and a life after experiencing CST. Did my insomnia and anxieties just disappear like a touch of magic? Never... But with the alignment of my body, with my feet connected to the ground, to the ground we walk on, and with my mind connected to what goes beyond matter, I learned that there is within us the strength to fight our problems, whatever they may be. Therapy is not healing per se, therapy is the way for you to find healing within yourself. Today, in my life after Roberta, I had impressive results in relation to the problems that led me there, and with them, other even bigger and aggrandizing questions. If I could summarize in one sentence my recommendation for someone to go there, meet her, and do the treatment, it is: we have all the necessary tools inside of us, but sometimes they are not within the reach of our perceptions. Craniosacral takes you inside. And believe me, the cure is there!"
Mariana, lawyer.
Who can benefit from CST?
Everyone can benefit although the improvement can be more dramatic with some people than others. Because CST improves brain and nervous system health, it is very effective in preventing chronic diseases including aging, lack of flexibility, dryness, memory loss, inflammation and immune disorders. CST also treats injuries, even old ones that we didn't even know were still affecting us. Childbirth trauma, for example, will affect our entire life, the unless it is treated. And who has never fallen and hit their head or tailbone in sports or in an accident? Even recovery from minor surgeries, including dental treatments that can create tension and anesthetic residue, can be helped by CST. The beauty of this technique is that it strengthens our entire system and creates a safe environment for the body to show these unresolved issues and the therapist to facilitate resolution. Our internal intelligence, when well supported, is able to present the tensions, one at a time, in order of priority, in a way that does not tire the system but gradually makes it stronger. We do not need to remember or relive our traumas to benefit from their resolution.
Is CST safe for children?
Children respond very well to CST because it is gentle, non-invasive and intuitively effective and therefore easy for them to recognize. Even very young children become familiar with the work as they trust the therapist. Children who do not yet speak can place the therapist's hands directly on the area of discomfort. Children easily show the dynamics of their experiences through movement and sounds. Much of the subtle work can be done during 'plays' when the child is watched and cared for in dealing with as yet unresolved challenges. Fathers and mothers are always amazed to see how a hyperactive or sad child enters a state of deep relaxation during treatment. The challenge is sometimes with the little one who doesn't lie down or stay still. The mother can then help with the child's distraction while the therapist contacts and holds certain parts of the child's body, such as the spine or the head and sacrum. A little goes a long way with the kids. Whatever work is done during childhood, usually few sessions can potentially prevent decades of medical and psychological treatments later. Resolving misaligned forces makes us less prone to accidents by making us more balanced.
Is CST safe during pregnancy?
CST is not only safe but recommended during pregnancy as it calms the nervous system of both mother and baby, encouraging the emotional bond that can often be short-circuited by prenatal and childbirth stress. The approach of this technique is able to contact the Primary Axis of the child's delicate nervous system - the axis responsible for our originality, the state of perfection that allows us to be less affected by our negative genetic influences. Also, although the fetus is highly conscious, he/she doesn't know the difference between the mother's thoughts and feelings and her own, so when the mother's system is calmed and balanced during pregnancy, the baby benefits immensely.
Does this technique involve manipulation?
CST distinguishes itself from other techniques in that it uses minimal manipulations of any kind. In CST, the healing process comes from within the patient and not from the outside, by the therapist. Hands-on contacts are based on listening/following/reflecting the client's process rather than pushing or manipulating the client towards a theoretical ideal state.
How can I benefit from CST?
This therapy can surprise you with benefits that you have previously thought impossible, including resolutions of symptoms that you had no idea of relating to the craniosacral system or any other. You you will feel lighter with a feeling of more inner space within you. You may notice more ease in interpersonal relationships and more focus. You may be able to stand upright or breathe easier and more deeply. Pain can dissipate and emotional boundaries easier to maintain, emotional intelligence more developed. Because each person is unique, it is impossible to say what specific benefit the person will receive, or how long it will take them to realize it, but comments like the ones described here are very common. It is even common to see patients who leave the session wanting to go clean and reorganize their own house. These boosts are not on the original list of most anticipated benefits, but, even so, they relate to the patient's condition.
How it works?
CST is focused on creating a safe atmosphere for the client, within appropriate therapeutic limits and using a very gentle touch. The therapist listens deeply to the fluctuations of the cerebrospinal cerebrospinal fluid within the craniosacral system. The fluctuation of the cerebrospinal cerebrospinal fluid generates a variety of tides within the system. As the therapist - from a place of profound stillness - listens to these inner tides, the person's system begins to access its inner resources, like a key opening previously locked doors. The cerebrospinal liquor - as it bathes and protects the brain and spinal cord - has intelligence and power that mixes with other fluids through the membranes that cover the entire nervous system. Therapists are able to listen deeply to this system, connecting with its inherent intelligence, focusing on its original model of health. The therapist encourages the person's system to access its resources, offering new choices and possibilities for the system at all levels. Therapist training then includes deep perception skills as well as an extensive study of the anatomy, physiology and inherent movement of the craniosacral system.
What symptoms respond best to CST?
Non-scientific evidence shows that CST can help resolve situations such as cranial and spinal nerve restrictions, head injuries, confusion, feelings of squeezing or pressure, anxiety, depression, circulation problems, organ dysfunctions, learning difficulties, problems neuro-endocrine, TMJ and trauma in general - childbirth, falls, accidents and other injuries, grief, surgeries, among others. CST is also excellent as a preventive therapy because it can facilitate the resolution of imbalances in the patient's system that are not yet consciously known.
How many sessions will I need?
This will depend on what your goals are, the symptoms and how quickly your system responds to this technique. In general, 3 to 10 sessions will have a significant impact on most people and in some cases, a single session can make a dramatic difference. Very often, patients receive regular sessions for a long period followed by occasional maintenance sessions.
Why do I sleep during my sessions?
It is very common for people to fall asleep during CST sessions. A deep meditative state of awareness is often reached which is when the mind gives space and allows the system to reorganize itself in a profound way. If your system is tired, you will relax and rest, which is profoundly healing in its own right.
Reference: Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America